An acronym is a word formed from the first letter or first few letters of each word in a phrase and we can find a lot of them all alonf the internet, like Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest, chatrooms, forums, etc, so we need to know them in order to understand better the slang, the other part of the language and here there go some of the most popular and some others that could be useful.
ATM - At This Moment.
BAE - Before Anything Else.
BRB - Be Right Back.
ETA - Eddited To Add (Generally use by
bloggers when adding something to a previous post).
EDM - Elecrtonic Dance Music.
FYI - For Your Information.
IDEK - I Don't Even Know.
LOL - Laugh(ing) Out Loud.
ETA: ATM I feel sick as hell, FYI. Also, IDEK where to write the acronym for EDM because I don't even listen to it, so LOL. Anyway, I'll BRB after going on a date with my BAE the pillow <3.
-Diana Brubeck.
-Diana Brubeck.
CGE: Cool, great, excellent!! This is really intersting and useful at the same time. And yeah I totally s... at making my own acronyms :( so don't start pointing that out.